Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reading Building Blocks: Phonics in Motion

     In order for a child to learn to read, they must learn the sounds of our alphabet and language.  Phonics is the correlation of letters to these sounds.  One way we teach our Kindergarten students this correlation is through a system called Phonics in Motion.  Each letter sound is given a corresponding motion based on the articulation of the sound and how it feels when it is emitted.  Phonics in Motion involves whole body movement as well, which is always great when working with young children! Here are just a couple of examples: 

"C, cat, /c/!"
"D, dog, /d/!"

     The students love the motions and we practice them a lot.  They are really starting to get the hang of them.  Try asking them a few!  They may just surprise you with their new phonics skills!

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