Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Back, Ms. Roberts!

     Today we welcomed Ms. Roberts back into the Kindergarten world!  We are so happy to have her here with us.  I will be in the room with her through tomorrow to ease the transition.  I have truly enjoyed having these Kindergarten adventures with your students!  I will continue to work at Maple daily, and will visit often.  

Keep working hard and have a great rest of your school year, I leave you in wonderful hands.

Goodbye, Adios, and Zai Jian for now Kindergarten!

Mrs. Huminsky :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And We're Blending!

The first step in teaching children to read phonetically is to teach them letter-sound correspondence.  They've been doing great with that! (Click here to re-visit my prior post on one of our phonics strategies.)  Next, the students must learn how to blend these sounds together to make words.  I am always looking for ways to have the students be hands-on with their learning.  Thanks to Pinterest, I found a use for some leftover plastic eggs and created these:

The short side of the egg creates rotating beginning sounds.  The longer side of the egg holds the ending sounds.

This student is copying the new words she is creating with each turn.

Here two students are working together with their blending eggs.  The dots under each letter represent them  reading each sound as they decode their words.

It took a little practice, but the students in my guided reading group were blending words with different beginning sounds in no time!  Awesome!

Native Americans- Legends, Art, & Writing

As part of our Thanksgiving theme, we have been learning about Native Americans.  We read the Legend of the Indian Paintbrush by Tomie dePaola.  

We then colored our own Native American pots using a chalk blending technique that mimicked the art in our story.

Finally, we wrote a description of our own Native American art.

What do 95 feathers of Kindergarten thankfulness look like?



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Math Teams! Measuring with Sticks

Today we continued our unit on measurement and did something really fun!  When the students came back to class from music, they found that they had been divided into "teams."  After a brief classroom discussion on measuring lines with sticks (being sure to measure end to end, keeping sticks lined up and close together, and taking an accurate count), they were sent off to work as a team complete the challenge of measuring the lines at their tables.  They worked very hard to make their measurements!

Then, I surprised them by letting them switch tables and check another team's work.  They were allowed to make stars or smiley faces on the answers they agreed with and correct those that they didn't.  Fortunately, almost all were correct and they were all very congratulatory on each other's excellent work!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thanksgiving & the First Americans: Virtual Tour of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History

     This coming week, we will be talking about Thanksgiving.  We will be learning about the holiday, its traditions, and history.  With its history comes some interesting facts about Native Americans, also known as American Indians.  My family and I were able to go to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History this weekend.  What a great afternoon it was!  We learned about many new things, including facts about the American Indians.  While I was there, I decided to take some pictures to share my learning adventure with you! Take a look and a virtual tour of  these artifacts with me:

Welcome to the museum!

The Native Americans used stone to make tools and arrowheads.

Clay pottery and dishes, decorated by the Indians.

(Take a close look at the pottery, we will be making our own "chalk pots" this week!)

Models of what the Native Americans looked like
Native Americans were all over the North America.  Here is Isaac pointing out a map of Indian tribes that were once right here in Ohio!  

They wore headpieces with beads and feathers.

Here are some more tools and a bear skin.

They even made toys for the children!
I am so excited to share these pictures and the Thanksgiving lessons I have planned for you next week!  

To learn more about the museum and all it has to offer, click on the link below!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Measuring Together

     In math, we continue to work on measuring, counting, and comparing.  This week, we measured something very familiar to us, our own feet!  Whenever we can all work together on a big project, it is a lot of fun!  First, we took turns tracing our feet then measured using the non-standard unit of linking cubes.  Once we had all of our feet measured, we compared the lengths and discussed who had the longest feet, shortest feet, and whose feet were equal length.  

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the nice weather!
-Mrs. H

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For...!

     Our letter of the week is "I." We used this opportunity to learn about one of my favorite things... ice cream!  Talk about a high interest subject! Shared writing today involved writing two good sentences using our newest sight words (see, go).  We illustrated our sentences with these colorful ice cream cones complete with glitter sprinkles.

     We even read a non-fiction book about how ice cream is made, acting out each step along the way.

    Then we wrote about it.  Remember those higher order thinking questions we have been working on?  Well, after reading the book, we went back to our seats and wrote about the sequence of events that lead to the ice cream.  We even used sequencing words (first, next, last).  

     So if your child comes home asking for ice cream, now you know why. Maybe they will even tell you a little bit about how it is made.  :) 

Wonderful work today!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Transportation: How do we get home?

     As already mentioned, we are studying transportation this week.  We have read several stories in our reading series and today we crossed that theme into our math time.  We decided to graph how we get home from school.  After discussing what form of transportation the students use to get home from school, I put the students to the task of organizing their data.  With a little of my help, here is what we came up with:

     A giant graph makes it very easy to see which form of transportation is used most often and least often in our class!  We counted, compared, labeled, and discussed our findings.  Great job, Kindergarten!

Monday, November 5, 2012

On the Go & 50 Days Smarter!

Big Book: Reading about transportation in other areas of the world
     This week in Language Arts, we are talking about transportation.  The students really have fun with this subject and it goes well with our sight words of the week: see and go.  Here are just some of the things we worked on today:
Brainstorming and listing forms of transportation we know

Sentence writing during guided reading centers

Reading with friends in small group time

...and independently writing about the way "we go."  :)

Another day of hard work in our Kindergarten room!  It's the 50th day of hard work, in fact! Can you believe it??
We are 50 days smarter, indeed! :)