Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Emergent Writing and Word Webs

     One of the things I love about teaching Kindergarten is emergent writing and watching how it develops.  Learning to write and read go hand in hand, so we provide many opportunities daily to do both.

     Recently, we read a book about going on a picnic.  We wrote a sentence together, then used a word web strategy to connect our ideas and talk about new words.  The concept picnic is seen in the middle, and the words that web out from the center were given by the students during a whole group discussion. They are words that the children felt were connected to picnic.  Using a word web helps the students understand a concept, connect ideas, and learn new vocabulary.  Drawing pictures allows the children to use clues for decoding these written words.
      After writing and webbing as a group, the student went back to their desks and worked independently.

     It was fun to see the students re-create our class work.  They are already applying many of our writing strategies, and it's only been a month!  I am so excited to see what the next month brings!

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