Friday, September 7, 2012

Monkeys CAN jump!

     Each week, we add a "sight word" to our word wall.  Sight words are words that are used frequently in texts and ones that we deem very important in reading instruction.  This week's word was "can."  We read it, spelled it, and worked it into other lessons in different subject areas.
     For our non-fiction book of the day, we read a book all about monkeys.  After webbing some interesting facts about these animals, we decided on one that we thought was particularly interesting.  Your children decided that it was pretty cool that monkeys could jump!  So that became our sentence:

     We also read the book, If You Take a Mouse to School, which was very silly!  We discussed our favorite parts and wrote this sentence, using both sight words from this week and last. (We like to highlight our sight words when we spot them!)

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