Friday, September 28, 2012

Higher Order Thinking: Comparing and Sequencing

     We are always trying to s-t-r-e-t-c-h those Kindergarten brains!  One way we do that is to ask questions on subjects we are learning that challenge students beyond the "what" and "why."  This week, we have discussed seasons and how they relate to apple trees.  Below, you can see a chart comparing and contrasting what we know about apple trees in the winter and in the summer:

    We also learned about the life cycle of the apple tree and how we get apples in the fall.  Here the students had to correctly sequence the events that happen in order to get that delicious apple:

     Sequencing is an important skill to master in science AND in reading to develop comprehension in both areas.

     And to finish off our two weeks of apples, we made these adorable hand print apples!  ---->

Have a great weekend!

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