Monday, October 1, 2012

One School, One Book

          If you were a Maple family last year, you are probably familiar with the One School, One Book program.  It's a program in which every family in the school reads the same book, chapter by chapter, and participates in various activities together.  It's a lot of fun and a great way to encourage reading to students of all ages!

     Last week, we began to wonder and guess what our mystery book could be! We watched several video clues and even had a visit from a special friend:

    This is Humphrey the hamster from Mrs. Tibayan's room!  He came and rolled in his ball during circle time.   

    Today we had a very exciting assembly to announce the big reveal.  It featured music, dancing, and even a video message from the author.  And the mystery book is....

     Yep, Humphrey is back with a new adventure!  Check your child's backpack for the book and pamphlet of activities. (Or the backpack of your oldest Maple student.)  Don't forget to read the first chapter tonight!  I certainly will be reading!

You can get extra Humphrey information by following this link:

Happy Reading!

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