Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Getting "Centered" Around Learning!

     In our classroom, one strategy we use is learning centers.  Learning centers are areas in the classroom where students can work together practicing target concepts.  Planned and set up in advance, they are designed to accommodate the different learning styles and levels of our students.  The students are able to rotate from center to center during this time.  By utilizing learning centers, we keep the students excited and engaged in the concept in which we are focused.  Also, it provides time for the teacher to work with students in small groups as they move around.
    We use learning centers in all of our subject areas.  Take a look at just a bit of what we've been up to during these times!

Connecting Concepts Together
Math Centers (Inventory Bags)
Reading Books with the Teacher

Computer Center- Practicing our Alphabet and Computer Skills

Writing Sentences

Using Play-Doh to Create Words 

Science Center- Exploring Authentic "Fall" Items
Finished Letter S Collage
Searching for our letter of the week in magazine pictures!  (Letter S)

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a lot of prep time, Mrs. Huminsky! Thanks for your detailed preparation to maximize learning for your kindergartners!
