Monday, October 29, 2012

Waiting out the Storm...

     We love our recess time in Kindergarten, and for good reason!  Not only is it time for us to get fresh air, take a break, and socialize with friends, but research shows that students perform better academically when they get a chance to take a break.  Research also indicates that classroom behavior improves after some recess.  I feel this is definitely true in our class!  Sometimes though, the weather does not allow us to take a recess outdoors.  This leaves us to figure out how to take a 20 minute break and let our 5 & 6 year olds have a little playtime.  After all, we work VERY hard in our room, we've earned it.  :)  

     Today was one of those days.  This was the view from our room ALL day:
    By the time our recess rolled around this afternoon, we had to make due.  We played some games, worked with blocks, computers, books, art... but, shhh, don't tell them- these "playtime" activities also have many academic benefits as well.

Here are some of our recess activities today:
Exploring Magnets
Chutes and Ladders
(math practice)
The Ladybug Board Game
Students took turns pulling cards and moving their ladybug that many spaces.
(math/number practice)
This is one of my family favories.  The players have to listen for which shape, color, or picture is called next and move to it, usually in a silly way.  It's so much fun, and great practice in color, shapes, and careful listening.

     Just a reminder, we will try to go outside for recess whenever it's possible, so please remember to dress your child for the weather!  :)  Hope you all stay safe and warm during this storm!

-Mrs. H

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