Thursday, October 18, 2012

Invented Spelling: Why Your Child is Misspelling Words, and Why I am Thrilled About It!

     I have mentioned before that we give the students many opportunities to write.   Since most of them are still getting the hang of their letters, sounds, and fine motor skills, we have been doing a lot of shared writing and copying.  What is so EXCITING is that they are starting to form sentences and words on their own!  Today, we talked about stretching out words to hear their sounds and writing the ones we hear.  After some practice together, I sent them back to their seats to write about their favorite animals.  I was so happy to see them stretching out their words and writing what they heard!  We call this invented or phonetic spelling.  Words aren't always spelled correctly, but that is ok, that comes later. For now, just seeing evidence of their letter sound connections is fabulous!  Check it out!

"I like jrafs."(giraffes)

" I lik tigr." (Tigers)

"I like dogs."

"Snac." (This student was writing that he liked snakes.)
     So cool!  

     To learn more about how your child is writing at this age, here is a great article on the subject:
                                                The Do's and Don'ts of Invented Spelling


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